Sunday, July 28, 2013

First Creative Nonfiction Publication!

Nothing gives you a self-esteem boost quite like a publication. My submission to Diverse Voices Quarterly was finally published today! It's called "Popping a Cherry with a Lemon" and is about a 2009 College Media Convention in Austin over Halloween, and my adventure atop Coyote Ugly's bar. Yes, the bar exists. It's apparently a national chain.

This marks my second creative publication, and my first creative nonfiction essay for travel writing. I'm so excited! The girl who's also in it, Stef, said that she feels like a star. She's so happy about it and how it turned out. First she commented on my initial Facebook post:
That's soooo awesome, Nicole! It not only painted a picture in my mind, but it took me back to the feeling of being there! The part about when we got up there gave me chills and I could see it all again from up there! Haha congrats girl!!! You couldn't have explained the feel of that night any better. Makes me wanna go back!
That is such an awesome comment and compliment. So much love to her. Then, she quoted me in a status update:
Stef nodded and used a barstool to hoist herself up. And I thought, why not? How will my friends react when I tell this story and end it with my refusal? When will I ever have this chance again? -- Nicole Bartley --what a great read!! I feel like a star!
So that was cool. Really, really cool. I'm so happy she liked the piece. Her not liking it was one of my major concerns, but all worked out in the end. The other major concern I have is the sexual nature of the piece, though nothing much happens. It's more sensual and a little risque than damaging to my reputation. And after I re-read it, I realized how conservative it actually is. I'm half tempted to track down the company headquarters's email and send them a link to the story, by way of promotion of my own writing and the company's chain. Either that or contact the location via signing their website guest book. Very tempting. Should I? It's not as if I'm making money off their name, and it paints them in a good light.

Also, Michael is 10 pages away from finishing my thesis. That has lifted a weight off--just the fact that he stuck with it and is about to FINALLY finish. I asked him a bunch of questions, including whether he was invested in the characters or finding out what happens. He said, "Well, I want to know what's going on. That's why I continued reading it. So I guess I'm invested."

Works for me. :)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats!! *waves pompoms* That is awesome!!! So exciting! And hey, it can't hurt to contact the company, right?
